Hypothesis testing

The Hypothesis class

The combined result of the first two modules is a simulated dataset representing the output of the exoplanet survey. The third module addresses the power of that dataset for testing statistical hypotheses. The first step in this exercise involves defining the hypotheses you want to test, and in Bioverse this is done via a Hypothesis object. To define a Hypothesis requires:

  • a set of dependent variable(s) X, called features

  • a set of independent variable(s) Y, called labels

  • a set of parameters theta

  • a Python function describing the quantitative relationship between X and Y in terms of theta

  • the prior distribution of values of theta

  • an alternative (or null) hypothesis against which to test

For example, consider the hypothesis that planet mass and radius can be related by a simple power law: \(M(R|M_0, \alpha) = M_0 R^{\alpha}\). In this case, X = R, Y = M, and theta = (M_0, alpha).

The first step in defining this hypothesis is to write out the function Y = f(X | theta):

def f(theta, X):
    M_0, alpha = theta
    R, = X
    return M_0 * R ** alpha

params = ('M_0', 'alpha')
features = ('R',)
labels = ('M',)

The tuples features and labels tell the code which parameters to extract from the simulated dataset. In this case, planet radius (R) and mass (M) will be extracted from the simulated dataset as the features and labels.

We must define the bounds on values for M_0 and alpha - conservative constraints might be 0.1 < M_0 < 10 and 2 < alpha < 5. We will also choose a log-uniform distribution for M_0, as its bounds span a few orders of magnitude.

bounds = np.array([[0.1, 10], [2, 5]])
log = (True, False)

Next, we can initialize the Hypothesis:

from bioverse.hypothesis import Hypothesis
h_mass_radius = Hypothesis(f, bounds, params=params, features=features, labels=labels, log=log)

The null hypothesis

In order to test the evidence in favor of h_mass_radius, we must define an alternative (or “null”) hypothesis [1]. In this case, the hypothesis states that planetary mass is independent of radius, and ranges from 0.01 and 100 M_Earth (with average value M_random):

def f_null(theta, X):
    shape = (np.shape(X)[0], 1)
    return np.full(shape, theta)

bounds_null = np.array([[0.01, 100]])
h_mass_radius.h_null = Hypothesis(f_null, bounds, params=('M_random',), log=(True,))

Testing the hypothesis

Next, we can test h_mass_radius using a dataset from the previous examples:

results = h_mass_radius.fit(data)

The fit() method will pull the measured values of ‘R’ and ‘M’ and test them using one or more of the following methods (set by the method keyword):

  • method = dynesty (default) Uses nested sampling to sample the parameter space of theta and compute the Bayesian evidence for both the Hypothesis and the null hypothesis. Implemented by dynesty.

  • method = emcee Uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo to sample the parameter space of theta. Implemented by emcee.

  • method = mannwhitney Assuming X to be a single continuous variable and Y a single boolean, reports the probability that X[Y] and X[~Y] are drawn from the same parent distribution. Implemented by scipy.

By default, nested sampling is used to estimate the Bayesian evidence in favor of the Hypothesis in comparison to the null hypothesis.

Likelihood functions

Both dynesty and emcee require a Bayesian likelihood function to be defined. The likelihood function is proportional to the probability that Y would be drawn given X and a set of values for theta. Currently, two likelihood functions are supported:

  • binomial: If Y is a single boolean parameter (e.g., ‘has_H2O’) then f is interpreted as the likelihood that Y == 1 given X. In this case the likelihood function is:

    \(\ln\mathcal{L} = \sum_i \ln \left( Y_i f(X|\theta) + (1-Y_i)f(X|\theta) \right)\)

  • multivariate: If Y is one or more continuous variables then f is interpreted as the expectation values of Y given X. In this case the likelihood function is the multivariate Gaussian:

    \(\ln\mathcal{L} = \sum_i \left[ -(Y_i-f(X|\theta))^2/(2\sigma_i^2) \right]\)

Prior distributions

The prior distributions of the parameters theta can be set to either uniform or log-uniform functions or defined by the user [2]. For uniform and log-uniform, only the boundaries of these distributions must be given:

# For theta = (M_0, alpha)
bounds = np.array([[0.1, 10], [2, 5]])

# Log-uniform distribution for M_0, uniform distribution for alpha
h_mass_radius = Hypothesis(f, bounds, log=(True, False))

Non-uniform prior distributions can be defined by the user, but they must be given in the proper format for both dynesty and emcee:

h_mass_radius = Hypothesis(f, bounds, tfprior_function=tfprior, lnprior_function=lnprior)

For more details on how to define tfprior() and lnprior(), see the documentation for dynesty and emcee respectively.

Posterior distributions

When using dynesty or emcee, the results object will contain summary statistics of the posterior distributions for the values of theta, including the mean, median, and lower and upper 95% confidence intervals. Alternatively, by passing return_chains = True to the fit() method, the entire chain of sampled values will be return. Given enough time, the distribution of these values will converge onto the posterior distribution. In general, emcee converges much more efficiently and should be used to estimate (for example) the precision with which model parameters can be constrai
